Required Inputs

The following values must be sent in the request. If any of these values are missing or cannot be cast to the correct data type, LoopLink® GSE will return an error.



Name: location

Type: String

Description: Text string that can be geocoded to a latitude and longitude.


  • Complete address (1234 Road Name St., Brookings SD 57006)
  • ZIP/Postal code (57006) SEE NOTES
  • City, State/Province pair (Brookings, South Dakota)


LoopLink® GSE is designed to attempt to respond successfully regardless of the location search. Inputs like 'the mall' may return a location but that location may not have anything to do with the user's actual location.

When using Zip/Postal Code searches, you should include a Country in order to increase the accuracy of the search especially if your target user is outside of the United States. The bulk of searches through the service originate in the U.S. so, LoopLink® GSE will automatically default Zip/Postal code searches that match the same pattern as a U.S. zip code to the United States of America.


Name: street

Type: String

Description: Text string indicating the street address with house/building number for the location address.


  • Street address 1234 Road Name St.


Name: city

Type: String

Description: Text string indicating the city or town for the location address.


  • Name of city, town village, hamlet, borough etc.


Name: state

Type: String

Description: Text string indicating the state or province for the location address.


  • Name of state, province or local geographic equivalent.

ZIP/Postal Code

Name: postal_code

Type: String

Description: Text string indicating the postal code for the location address.


  • Postal code for the location address.


If searching with only a Zip/Postal Code you muse include a Country in the request. LoopLink® GSE checks if postal codes match the same pattern as a U.S. zip code and if so will append United States of America to the country automatically prior to search.


Name: country

Type: String

Description: Text string indicating the country for the location address.


  • Name, ISO Alpha-2 or ISO Alpha-3 Code of the search location's country.

Geo-Coded Location Requests

It is possible to directly enter a location by signed latitude and longitude. When doing so, you must specify the request is geocoded using a geocoded field set to True. Additionally, your request should not include location it should instead include lat and lon.

Status: DEPRECATED IN V2 Inclusion will not cause an error but the value will be ignored.

Name: geocoded

Type: Boolean

Description: Indicates to the server that you are providing lat and lon instead of location

Default: false


  • True (String or Integer): true or a non-zero integer
  • False(String or Integer): false or 0

Name: lat

Type: String or Float

Description: Signed latitude in degrees format

Accepts: Any float or string representation of a number between -90 and +90

Name: lon

Type: String or Float

Description: Signed longitude in degrees format

Accepts: Any float or string representation of a number between -180 and +180

Above Grade Area

Name: above_grade_area

Type: Float

Description: Area of conditioned space above grade.


  • IP: Square Feet
  • SI: Square Meters

Accepts: Any number greater than zero

Example: A 100' square home with two stories and basement would have 2*100*100 = 20,000sqft of above grade square footage.

Notes: While it is possible to enter a zero value for above grade area, the sum of above grade area and below grade area must be greater than zero to avoid an error.

Below Grade Area

Name: below_grade_area

Type: Float

Description: Area of conditioned space below grade.


  • IP: Square Feet
  • SI: Square Meters

Accepts: Any number greater than zero

Example: A 100' square home with two stories and basement would have 1*100*100 = 10,000sqft of below grade square footage.

Notes: While it is possible to enter a zero value for below grade area, the sum of above grade area and below grade area must be greater than zero to avoid an error.

Age of Home

Name: age_home

Type: Integer

Description: Number of years since the home was built. The age of the home is used in calculating unspecified building construction details as well as estimating degradation of equipment performance over time.

HVAC Comparative Heating Technology

Name: heating_comp

Type: String

Description: Name of the traditional heating system against which we are running a cost comparison.


  • natural gas
  • eletric resistance
  • propane
  • fuel oil
  • ashp
  • none (false)

Notes: It is recommended that this field be presented as a drop down menu as the accepted values must exactly match those listed.

If set to 'none' or false, the heating portion of the savings calculation will be ignored.

Hot Water Comparative Technology

Name: hwg_comp

Type: String

Description: Name of the traditional domestic hot water generation system against which we are running a cost comparison. This type of system will also be used in supplemental estimations if the percent of hotwater generated by geothermal is less than 100%.


  • natural gas
  • eletric resistance
  • propane
  • fuel oil
  • none (false)

Notes: It is recommended that this field be presented as a drop down menu as the accepted values must exactly match those listed.

If set to 'none' or false, the hot water portion of the savings calculation will be ignored.

Optional Inputs

Optional fields default to standard values but will accept user inputs to further refine savings estimation. It is not necessary to give end users access to these variables. However, it is recommended for certain values like utility rates that are difficult to accurately estimate for all locations.

Use SI Units

Name: use_si

Type: Boolean

Description: Flags the system to accept SI inputs and outputs. The values will be converted on the server into IP units before and after processing. This means that the user's inputs are susceptible to some minor rounding errors when returned.

Default: false


  • True (String or Integer): true or a non-zero integer
  • False(String or Integer): false or 0

GSHP Is Variable Speed

Name: is_variable

Type: Boolean

Description: Adjusts the estimated performance and efficiency of the GSHP system.

Default: false


  • True (String or Integer): true or a non-zero integer
  • False(String or Integer): false or 0

Ignore Cooling

Name: ignore_cooling

Default: false

Description: Ignore cooling in estimate. An empty value will be treated as False.


  • True (String or Integer): true or a non-zero integer
  • False(String or Integer): false or 0

Heating Set Point Temperature

Name: set_point_heating

Default: 70 °F

Description: Desired indoor air temperature in heating months.

Units: °F (°C)

Accepts: 60°F <= set_point_heating <= 90°F

Cooling Set Point Temperature

Name: set_point_cooling

Type: Integer

Description: Desired indoor air temperature in cooling months.

Default: 75°F

Units: °F (°C)

Accepts: 60°F <= set_point_cooling <= 90°F

Heating System Age

Name: age_heating_comp

Type: Integer

Description: Describes the age of the comparative heating system

Default: age_home

Accepts: >= 0

Cooling System Age

Name: age_cooling_comp

Type: Integer

Description: Describes the age of the comparative cooling system

Default: age_home

Accepts: >= 0

Number of Residents

Name: num_residents

Type: Integer

Description: Number of people living in space year round

Default: 4

Accepts: 1 <= num_residents <= 20

Hot Water System Age

Name: age_hwg

Type: Integer

Description: Describes the age of the comparative hot water system

Default: age_home

Accepts: >= 0

Hot Water Supply Temp

Name: supply_temp_hwg

Type: Integer

Description: Desired hot water temperature

Default: varies by location

Units: °F (°C)

Accepts: 33°F <= supply_temp_hwg <= 90°F

Hot Water Set Point

Name: set_point_hwg

Type: Integer

Description: Desired hot water temperature

Default: 120°F

Units: °F (°C)

Accepts: hwg_supply_temp < set_point_hwg <= 145°F

Hot Water From Geo Annual

Name: annual_percent_geo_hwg

Type: Integer

Description: Percentage of total hot water generated by geo

Default: 100

Accepts: 0 <= annual_percent_geo_hwg <= 100

Hot Water Standing Losses

Name: standing_losses_hwg

Type: Integer

Description: Percentage of heat energy lost while storing hot water

Default: 10%

Accepts: 0% <= standing_losses_hwg <= 100%

Hot Water Volume Per Resident

Name: vol_per_res_hwg

Type: Integer

Description: Volume of hot water consumed per day by each resident

Default: 20gal

Units: US Gallons (Liters)

Accepts: 0 <= vol_per_res_hwg <= 150gal

Ventilation CFM

Name: ventilation_cfm

Type: float

Description: Ventilaton airflow rate to include in the load estimate calculation

Default: 0


  • IP: Cubic feet per minute (cfm)
  • SI: Cubic meters per hour

Accepts: Any number greater than zero

Ventilation Energy Recovery Effectiveness

Name: ventilation_eff

Type: float

Description: The energy recovery effectiveness of the ERV/HRV fresh air ventilation system (expressed as a decimal)

Default: 0

Accepts: Any number between 0 and 1.

Average Above Grade Ceiling Height

Name: avg_above_grade_ceiling_height

Type: Float

Description: Average ceiling height of above grade conditioned space.

Default: 8.0 ft


  • IP: Feet
  • SI: Meters

Accepts: Any number greater than zero

Example: Assume the home with two stories above grade, both with equal amount of conditioned area. The first floor has an average ceiling height of 10 ft and the second floor has an average ceiling height of 8 ft = (8+10)/2 = 9 ft average ceiling height.

Above Grade Floors

Name: above_grade_floors

Type: Float

Description: The number of above grade floors/stories in the home.

Default: 1.5

Accepts: Any number greater than one


Name: basement

Type: String

Description: Describes the basement

Default: conditioned unless below_grade_area == 0 in which case default is slab


  • conditioned
  • unconditioned
  • slab

Basement Insulation

Name: basement_insulation

Type: String

Description: Peak load calculation adjustment for uninsulated but conditioned basement type

Default: insulated


  • insulated
  • uninsulated

Notes: This input will only impact the load calculations for 'conditioned' basement type.

Below Grade Depth

Name: below_grade_depth

Type: Float

Description: Average below grade depth of basement walls.

Default: 8.0 ft


  • IP: Feet
  • SI: Meters

Accepts: Any number greater than zero

Example: A walkout basement with 1/2 of the walls 8 ft below grade and 1/2 of the walls 4 ft below grade will have (8+4)/2 = 6 ft average below grade depth.

Notes: This input will only impact the load calculations for 'conditioned' basement type.

Insulation Level

Name: insulation_level

Type: String

Description: Describes the insulation used in the home

Default: good


  • poor (Brick Walls w/ No Insulation, R-10 Ceiling Insulation)
  • ok (R-11 walls, R-19 ceilings)
  • good (R-19 walls, R-30 ceilings)
  • excellent (R-30 walls, R-38 ceilings)

Building Tightness

Name: building_tightness

Type: String

Description: Describes the resistance to infiltration of the structure.

Default: Varies by age of home


  • loose
  • semi-loose
  • average -semi-tight
  • tight

Ductwork Placement

Name: duct_place

Type: String

Description: Describes where in the building ductwork is installed.

Default: conditioned unless below_grade_area == 0 in which case default is unconditioned attic


  • conditioned
  • unconditioned basement
  • unconditioned_basement_leaky
  • unconditioned attic

Ductwork Sealing

Name: duct_seal

Type: String

Description: Describes amount of air/energy lost through duct fittings and connections.

Default: average


  • unsealed
  • partial
  • average
  • notable
  • extreme

Ductwork Insulation

Name: duct_insulation

Type: String

Description: Describes how well insulated ducts are from transmission loss.

Default: R6


  • R0
  • R2
  • R4
  • R6
  • R8

Utility Rates

The system will by default attempt to deteremine the average utility rates for the searched location. In the United States of America, these are state level averages in US dollars. In Canada these are national averages in Canadian dollars.

For all searches without a resolved country, state or with a resolved country outside of the United States of America and Canada, the US national average rate will be assumed if the rates are not provided.

The server assumes that the user is entering the cost per unit of utility that is appropriate for the selected unit system. For example if in SI, the user is entering a natural gas rate per cubic meter.

Natural Gas Rate

Name: rate_natural_gas

Type: Float

Unit: cost/100 cubic feet (cost/cubic meter)

Default: varies by location

Standard Electric Rate

Name: rate_electric_standard

Type: Float

Unit: cost/kWh (cost/kWh)

Default: varies by location

Geothermal Electric Rate

Name: rate_electric_geo

Type: Float

Unit: cost/kWh (cost/kWh)

Default: rate_electric_standard

Propane Rate

Name: rate_propane

Type: Float

Unit: cost/US Gallon (cost/liter)

Default: varies by location

Fuel Oil Rate

Name: rate_fuel_oil

Type: Float

Unit: cost/US Gallon (cost/liter)

Default: varies by location